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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Slum dweller’s daughter has been mauled and killed by a dog.
Ten-year-old girl was bitten by stray dog, succumbed to injuries and hospitalized.
Two years old baby, Eight months old baby and so many have been killed.

Eight months old baby, after being attacked by a dog in Hyderabad, have been taken to four hospitals in four hours. Each hospital referred the other. Finally her mother found a hospital which provided actual help. Why the baby had to be rushed from one hospital to other and was denied what could have been life-saving treatment? When asked the mother, she said, “She was conscious and drank milk. The doctors gave him oxygen, but her heart stopped." :(

Oops, it is another topic!! I am getting distracted. Coming back, it is not only babies and kids but also grown-up, matured adults. One day, I woke up and was brushing. There was a mob outside. Oh man!! Finally I found the news in the place where am residing (BEML, Bangalore). A boy was killed!!

Till now, it was for others. Now, it is for me :( I was driving my friend’s bike (alone) very slowly. It was night 10+ PM. Thought, all the dogs were asleep. But unfortunately and all of a sudden, a dog rushed towards me and had bitten my leg. I swear I did not do anything. My friend was telling you must have done something, why should the dog come and bite you unnecessarily. The topic has finally ended with the loss of 3000 Rupees for treatment and a pain for a day.

Next time, my friend was also with me :) Three dogs were standing in front of the bike (now I got the new one myself :) Yamaha FZ-S). My friend asked me to proceed. We have started. Soon after crossing the dogs, they started chasing us, one in each side :D Finally we have reached the end of the road. We are supposed to turn right but we turned left and ESCAPEEEEEE :) Now, even he saw the atrocious eyes and the terrific behavior of the dogs. I asked him do you believe me now. He replied :O YES. Finally, we did not go to his house, he stayed with me and left the next day morning :D

Stray dogs are now being hauled up in the hundreds by dogcatchers. I have seen the photographs of dogs’ throats being slit by municipality. Sometimes, healthy and sterilized dogs were also allegedly killed. We are really horrified by the treatment, the dogs were put through. But, this is brutal and inhuman to say all dogs should be eradicated because some of them killed two-three children. But what will be the replies from the people actually suffered.

The replies would be: Would you say the same if your child was killed by dogs?
And even chicken or other non-veg are being slaughtered in a huge number daily.
They not only attack people, but also kill rats, rabbits and rodents in the open field.
Why should I spend 2000 to 5000 Rupees unnecessarily?

We are appalled at the way the kids were mauled to death. But, is it that, the only way is to exterminate the ferocious animals? Is it not the madness? To show a difference, we need to find the solution behind them. One possible solution should be Dog adoption!! But, how many dogs could be adopted? Other solution should be shifting the dogs to the wild. But many hands would be raised saying that the Dogs are territorial and they cannot live in other places.

Sanitation is one of the major problems here and the govt. has turned a blind eye to the problem of garbage resulting in stray dogs crowding around unclear garbage bins. Owners of mutton and chicken shops also dump animal waste in the drains which attracts the stray canines. I have few more questions. If those are answered, hope, there won’t be need of culling the dogs.

Are all the dogs immunized and vaccinated?
Will they send dog vans on time?
Do they record complaints regularly?
Do the help lines respond regularly?
What about the dogs which are suffering from an incurable disease?


  1. about the dogs which are suffering from an incurable disease:

    they can see Dogtor Vijay's movie and die. saves lots of effort!


  2. @GaRam: Dogs can even read barath's blog...they'll surely die :P.....well its a real big problem...I was also bitten once...but it was a Bitch ;)

  3. yes viki i agree ..

    @barath: uve a big heart! to have accepted both the above comments. i thot u r mad fan of dogtor vijay

  4. Ha Ha .....
    Good analysis on Dogs behavior ....
    Now u can do Phd on DOGS.
    Stray dogs should be vaccinated and Also some ways to control dogs population.


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