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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Male and Female Ant

We have been seeing Ants with two colors, Orangish and Blackish. Can you guess which is male and which is female? :P An ant bit me yesterday evening. I was thinking, why is it biting like this and is it a girl? :D Suddenly it came to my mind, the large gregarious predator, LION :) It is not male and it is the group of female lions typically hunts together. Similarly, Orangish must be Female as is the one which hurts.

I have found two other reasons to prove that Blackish is Male.
Reason1: Lord Vinayak is male. :D / Reason2: These ants won’t bite.

PS: We used to call Blackish Ants as Pillaiyaar Ants
(Pillaiyaar is Lord Vinayak in Tamizh).

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